So, you’ve picked out the perfect OM for that special someone. Now, how are you planning to wrap it? While small-sized accessories like wallets are easy to stash in a stocking, bags and backpacks can prove challenging when it comes time to wrap. Just in time for the holiday season, we’re sharing a few of our out-of-the-box ideas for creatively wrapping your gifts.

Yarn Wrapping

A handy material, wrapping with yarn is a great way to secure your gift while giving it an elegant and homespun accent against the box or neutral leather itself. Try wrapping green yarn multiple times to create a tree design, or opt for a colorful pom pom instead of a traditional bow.

present wrapped in yarn

Natural Elements

Sometimes, the best wrapping inspiration can be found in your own backyard. Forage for sprigs of fresh greenery, berry stems and pinecones to create a nature-inspired gift that perfectly compliments the down-to-earth persona of our bags. Pair your findings with neutral-toned paper for a rustic presentation.

present wrapped with greenery

Paper Bundle

With the proper technique, a box isn’t always required for wrapping a gift. Using craft paper, wrap your bag as you would a package. Gather the paper tightly directly above the present with the paper edges flaring out, and tie the parcel with classic holiday ribbon or twine for a shabby-chic look.

present wrapped in paper

Hard-to-Wrap Shape

Large bags and backpacks present a problem. When you’re looking to wrap them without giving away what exactly is inside, try taking a page out of Santa’s book and use a festive sack or pillowcase to act as a duster bag and disguise the hard-to-wrap gift.

present wrapped in cloth

Make the Bag Part of the Gift

When in doubt, go simple and let the bag speak for itself! Pop it under the tree with a simple bow, or create a nesting doll situation by filling the bag or backpack with smaller OM items inside. Bonus points if you tuck an OM gift card in one of the pockets!

backpack filled with items

Still on the hunt for that perfect present? Shop our gift guides to find just the thing for every last friend, relative and loved one on your list!
